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蘇州柏兆科學儀器有限公司是一家專業(yè)為科研單位 、高校實驗室 、工廠企業(yè)提供研發(fā)、質檢等科學儀器及相應耗材的銷售公司.
 Suzhou Broad Scientific Instrument Corporation is a specialized unit for scientific research, university laboratories, factories and enterprises to provide R&D, quality inspection and other scientific instruments and also the corresponding lab wares are supplied in the company.
Broad have its own R&D team and the capacity of producing and processing, while many agents at home and abroad famous brands. Now the products are already covered scientific research, universities, chemical, food, electronics, biomedical and other fields.
Broad has already successfully operating in Suzhou Broad network instrument (
javascript:redirect('http%3A///')"> ) and Suzhou labware network servicesjavascript:redirect('http%3A///')">),a real network, stores and direct sales business in-one combination of sales model. The maximum needs of customer to be understanded and meet. So we can provide customers a full range of services.
Suzhou Broad instrument service network
javascript:redirect('http%3A///')">) through the integration of the various industry experts’ industry resources, industry demand for equipment, supplies customers with full-service professional site. In an increasingly competitive industry today, this site to all industries and enterprises for the target customer base of the industry sub-market, user-friendly and procurement needs to quickly find products, and promptly solve problems and the Bank at the same time understand the latest information.
javascript:redirect('http%3A///')">Hope that the products and services can bring you satisfaction, to grow up with you in cooperating!
公司名稱 蘇州柏兆科學儀器有限公司 公司認證  
注冊年份 2005 公司類型 公司類型個體經營
聯系人 陳敏敏 手機 15370004800
電話 0512-62851820 傳真 0512-62851822
地址 蘇州市宋仙洲巷
