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當(dāng)前位置: 儀器交易網(wǎng) » 供應(yīng) » 美國阿爾法科技公司
Alpha is the world leader in the design, manufacture, service and support of precision rubber and polymer laboratory instrumentation and data acquisition / analysis software systems. Alpha has been in business since 1968. Formerly a division of The Monsanto Company, Alpha became an independent company in 1995. Alpha employs a customer-focused team of approximately 180 highly trained professionals around the world.

公司名稱 美國阿爾法科技公司 公司認(rèn)證
注冊年份 公司類型 公司類型企業(yè)單位
聯(lián)系人 張澤華, 王振宇 手機(jī)
電話 86-21-33773538 33773562 傳真
地址 上海市楊浦區(qū)大連路970號海上海大廈1609室
