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1771-IQ16 AB模塊

會員指數(shù): 企業(yè)認證:


所在地:福建 廈門市









廈門光沃自動化設(shè)備有限公司是一家專業(yè)從事大型進口系統(tǒng)(集散式控制系統(tǒng)、可編程控制器、冗余容錯控制系統(tǒng)、機器人系統(tǒng))備件銷售。主營品牌Allen-Bradley,Schneider,ABB,Siemens,GE Fanuc等進口自動化系統(tǒng)備件銷售及系統(tǒng)集成的高新技術(shù)企業(yè),在公司全體員工的努力及廣大客戶和業(yè)界同仁支持之下,公司業(yè)務迅速拓展,業(yè)務范圍遍及華東、華南、華北、西南等全國各地,迅速成為自動化行業(yè)的后起之秀,公司以“為客戶創(chuàng)造價值是我們永遠追求的目標”為宗旨,本著“質(zhì)量保證,誠信服務,及時到位”的做事態(tài)度長期以往的服務于每一位新老客戶。在此,感謝新老客戶的長期支持,因為您的關(guān)注我們將更加專注。 主營:世界知名品牌的PLC 、DCS 系統(tǒng)備件! ?Allen-Bradley: SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。 ?Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列處理器、控制卡、電源模塊等。 ?ABB:工業(yè)機器人備件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90,ABB 變頻器等。 ?GE FANUC(GE發(fā)那科):模塊、卡件、驅(qū)動器等各類備件。 ?Invensys Foxboro(??怂共_):FBM01系列,F(xiàn)BM201系列. ?Invensys Triconex: 3008,3504E,3511系列。 ?Westinghouse(西屋):1C311..系列,5X00..系列。? ?Bosch Rexroth(博世力士樂):Indramat,I/O模塊,PLC控制器,驅(qū)動模塊等。 ?SIEMENS-3RF、3RV、3RK、3RN、3RB、3RS、3RP、3TC、3TX、3TK、3TF、3TH、3UG、3NE、6SB、6SY、6RY、6DD、6SL39、6SE70、6GT等系列這些系列價格絕對好. ?如果您需要,我們能夠解決您的缺損部分或交換,歡迎來電查詢!我們將會給您最優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務! ?我們以服務贏市場、以品質(zhì)贏關(guān)注、以誠信贏客戶、以絕對的優(yōu)勢,超低價格供應,讓我們共享盈利??! ?我們提供最好的服務,可快遞代收貨款,現(xiàn)金支付等。全國統(tǒng)一發(fā)順風快遞。 如果您發(fā)現(xiàn)其他供貨商為相同產(chǎn)品提供更為低廉的價格,我們也愿意參照其價格向您提供進一步的折扣。若還有其他任何問題,請隨時與我們聯(lián)系!



ABB Procontic,ABB Procontrol,
H&B Contronic,Moore APACS,Moore Panel Controllers,Rosemount RS-3,
Siemens Iskamatic,Siemens Simatic S5,Siemens Simatic C1,
Yokogawa Centum XL,Yokogawa microXL,
Honeywell QCS,Honeywell TDC系列,Honeywell S9000,

Helmholz 備件銷售 

Memory cards made by Helmholz and suitable for S7 are designed for use in central controller modules CPU 312 to 417. 
 Micro Memory Cards
The Micro Memory Cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are suitable for use in S7 controllers. Our product program includes a whole range of the most commonly required modules. The Micro Memory Cards are available with the following memory capacities: 64 kB, 128 kB, 256 kB, 512 kB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB.  
Product ordernumber     
Micro Memory Cards,64KByte 700-953-8LF11     
Micro Memory Cards,128KByte 700-953-8LG11     
Micro Memory Cards,256KByte 700-953-8LH11     
Micro Memory Cards,512KByte 700-953-8LJ11     
Micro Memory Cards,1MByte 700-953-8LK11     
Micro Memory Cards,2MByte 700-953-8LL11     
Micro Memory Cards,4MByte 700-953-8LM11     
Micro Memory Cards,8MByte 700-953-8LP11     
             MC951 Memory Cards
Memory cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH, suitable for the S7, are designed for use in CPU modules CPU 313 to CPU 318-2. Our product program covers the range of the most common submodules 
Product ordernumber     
Flash EPROM card,short,16KByte 700-951-0KD00     
Flash EPROM card,short,32KByte 700-951-0KE00     
Flash EPROM card,short,64KByte 700-951-0KF00     
Flash EPROM card,short,128KByte 700-951-0KG00     
Flash EPROM card,short,256KByte 700-951-1KH00     
Flash EPROM card,short,512KByte 700-951-0KJ00     
Flash EPROM card,short,1MByte 700-951-1KK00     
Flash EPROM card,short,2MByte 700-951-1KL00     
Flash EPROM card,short,4MByte 700-951-1KM00     
RAM card,short,128KByte 700-951-0AG00     
RAM card,short,256KByte 700-951-1AH00     
RAM card,short,512KByte 700-951-1AJ00     
RAM card,short,1MByte 700-951-1AK00     
RAM card,short,2MByte 700-951-1AL00     
 MC952 Memory Cards
Memory cards from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH, suitable for the S7, are designed for use in CPU modules CPU 412 to CPU 417. Our product program covers the range of the most common submodules. 
Product ordernumber     
Flash EPROM Card,long 64KByte 700-952-0KF00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 256KByte 700-952-0KH00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 1MByte 700-952-1KK00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 2MByte 700-952-1KL00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 4MByte 700-952-1KM00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 8MByte 700-952-1KP00     
Flash EPROM Card,long 16MByte 700-952-1KS00     
RAM Card,long 64KByte 700-952-0AF00     
RAM Card,long 256KByte 700-952-1AH00     
RAM Card,long 1MByte 700-952-1AK00     
RAM Card,long 2MByte 700-952-1AL00     
RAM Card,long 4MByte 700-952-1AM00     
Input/Output Modules     
The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches. 
Modules with modified specifications or special modules can be supplied on request.  
DEA 300,Digital Input Modules
"The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches. "  
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 16 inputs (DC 24V) 700-321-1BH02    
DEA 300 32 inputs (DC 24V) 700-321-1BL00    
DEA 300,Digital Input Module,m-reading
"The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. 
Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputsand outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches."
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 16 inputs,m-reading 700-321-1BH50    
              DEA 300,Digital Input Module,with alerts
"The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. 
Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches. 
This module offers as additional features parameterizable diagnostic- and processalerts, as well as a parameterizable input delays." 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 16 Inputs,with alerts 700-321-7BH01    
             DEA 300,Digital Output Module
"The digital outputs convert the internal signal level to the external signal level required for the process. 
Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the outputs. 
The outputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of, for example, solenoid valves, contactors, and small-power motors within the permissible data. " 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 16 outputs (DC 24V;0.) 700-322-1BH01    
DEA 300 32 outputs (DC 24V;0.) 700-322-1BL00    
             DEA 300,Digital I/O Module
"The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. The digital outputs convert the internal signal level of the programmable controllers into the external binary signal level required for the process. 
Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches, the outputs for connection of, for example, solenoid valves, contactors, and small motors within the permissible data. " 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 8 inputs (DC 24 V)/8 outputs (DC 24 V; 0,5 A) 700-323-1BH01    
DEA 300 16 inputs (DC 24 V)/16 outputs (DC 24 V; 0,5 A) 700-323-1BL00    
             DEA 300,Digital Output Module,2 Ampere
"The digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. 
Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches. " 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 8 outputs (DC 24 V; 2 A) 700-322-1BF01    
             DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 5 Ampere
"The digital outputs convert the internal signal level into the external signal levels required for the process. 
A green LED indicates the signal state of the outputs. 
The outputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are suitable for connection of solenoid valves, contactors, and small-power motors within the permissible range, etc. The output power of up to 5 ampsper group is also suitable for larger loads. " 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 5 A 700-322-1HF10    
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 5 A, snubber 700-322-1HF20    
            DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 2 Ampere
"The digital outputs convert the internal signal level into the external signal levels required for the process. 
A green LED indicates the signal state of the outputs. 
The outputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are suitable for connection of solenoid valves, contactors, and small-power motors within the permissible range, etc. The output power of up to 8 amps per group is also suitable for larger loads." 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 2 A 700-322-1HF01    
DEA 300 16 outputs, relays, 2 A 700-322-1HH01    
             DEA 300, Digital Input Modules; 120/230 V
he digital inputs convert the external binary signals from the process into the internal signal level of the programmable controller. Green LEDs indicate the signal state of the inputs and outputs. 
The inputs of the modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH are also suitable for connection of 2-wire proximity switches. " 
Product ordernumber    
DEA 300 32 inputs, AC 120 V 700-321-1EL00    
DEA 300 16 inputs, AC 120 V/230 V 700-321-1FH00    
              AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with current signals
"The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers. This module is suitable for connection of sensors with current signals in the range up to ?0 mA. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully parameterized with the hardware configurator of the programming software. Hardware configuration is not necessary (no range card)." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300 8 current inputs, for connecting current sensors 700-331-4MA20    
              AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with voltage signals
"The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers. This module is suitable for connection of sensors with voltage signals in the range up to ?0 V. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully parameterized with the hardware configurator of the programming software. Hardware configuration is not necessary (no range card)." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300 8 voltage inputs, for connection of voltage sensors 700-331-0V010    
             AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting Resistance Thermometers
"The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers. This module is suitable for connection of Pt100/Ni100 sensors. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully parameterized with the hardware configurator of the programming software. Hardware configuration is not necessary (no range card)." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300 4 inputs, Pt100/Ni100 resistance thermometers 700-331-PT100    
             AEA 300, Analog Input Module - Current Signals, Voltage Signals, Resistance, Resistance Thermometer
"The analog input modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the analog signals from the process to the internal signal level of the programmable controllers. 
This module is suitable for connection of sensors with current signals in the range up to ?0 mA, of sensors with voltage signals in the range up to ?0 V, of Pt100/Ni100 sensors and resistors. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully parameterized with the hardware configurator of the programming software. Hardware configuration is not necessary (no range card)." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300 8 inputs 700-331-1KF01    
              AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 4 Channel
"The analog output modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the internal signal level of the programmable controllers to the analog signal level required for the process. This module is suitable for connection of analog actuators for voltage and current outputs in the range up to ?0 V or ?0 mA. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully configured with the programming software. Hardware switchover is not necessary." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300; 4 channel 4 outputs for connecting analog actuators 700-332-5HD01    
             AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 2 Channel
"The analog output modules from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH convert the internal signal level of the programmable controllers to the analog signal level required for the process. This module is suitable for connection of analog actuators for voltage and current outputs in the range up to ?0 V or ?0 mA. 
The signal lines are connected to the corresponding front connectors. You can identify them on the labeling strip. 
The modules can be fully configured with the programming software. Hardware switchover is not necessary." 
Product ordernumber    
AEA 300; 2 channel 2 outputs for connecting analog actuators 700-332-5HB01    
"The new dummymodule from the Systeme Helmholz GmbH is for reserving slots for unparameterized signal modules. 
The structure and address assignment is retained when it is eventually replaced by a signal module. 
For 20-way or 40-way front connectors. " 
Product ordernumber    
Dummymodule, 20-way 700-370-0AA01    
Dummymodule, 40-way 700-370-0AL01 

免責聲明:以上所展示的[1771-IQ16 AB模塊]信息由會員[廈門市光沃自動化設(shè)備有限公司]自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發(fā)布會員負責。


