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Labcut 150 可變速切割機

會員指數(shù): 企業(yè)認證:



型號:Labcut 150




丁成峰(先生) 經(jīng)理 




我司是精密測試儀器代理商,為在中國獨家代理美國Thermo-Electron X-射線測厚儀及德國ROENTGENANALYTIK Compact eco系列X-射線測厚儀。此兩種儀器主要用于鍍層或涂層厚度的測量,而且特別適合于對微細表面積或超薄鍍層的測量。以下我們公司其他主要產(chǎn)品:   新加坡QTEST CIMS 特性阻抗測試儀   韓國Micro Pioneer XRF-2000系列測厚儀   美國Solar Metrology 太陽能薄膜電池厚度測量儀   日本KYORITSU WAK-水質(zhì)離子測試包   美國WALCHEM(禾威)電鍍藥液自動添加系統(tǒng)   美國OMEGA 600SMD離子污染測試儀   美國UPA / VEECO非破壞性厚度測試儀   美國EXTEC研磨 / 拋光器材及消耗品   英國JENWAY分光光度計   美國Kocour庫侖測厚儀、侯氏槽、陰/陽極片、離心機等   德國SCAN-DIA研磨 / 拋光器材及消耗品   美國INNOV-X伊諾斯RoHS分析儀(手提式:XRF 6500,臺式:Ray-tek1800)   美國ECI電鍍藥液分析系統(tǒng)   美國DICKSON/DeltaTRAK/OMEGA溫濕度記錄儀   日本SHIMADZU(島津)分光光度計、X射線熒光分析儀   日本IWAKI工業(yè)用泵   韓國K-Mac ST4080-OSP 光學(xué)測厚儀   美國SPELLMA******??電源供應(yīng)器   日本KETT磁感/渦流涂層測試儀   俄羅斯INTRON PTH-1/ITM-52手提式線路板孔銅測厚儀   美國RPS可焊性測試儀   美國UNITRON工業(yè)用顯微鏡系統(tǒng)及表面光滑度測試儀   美國EXTECH多用途萬用表   美國CECO板材厚度測試儀、銅箔剝離強度儀   一直致力于為PCB廠商,電鍍行業(yè),科研機構(gòu),半導(dǎo)體生產(chǎn)等電子行業(yè)提供高性能的儀器和優(yōu)質(zhì)的售后服務(wù)?!緎hanghai yilang yiqi youxiangongsi】


美國EXTEC金相低速切割機labcut150 (labcut 1010的升級產(chǎn)品)

項目 指  標 
移動行程 25 mm 
定位精度 0.01 mm 
主軸轉(zhuǎn)數(shù) 0-1000r/mi 
鋸片直徑 3 ” (75mm), 4 ” (100mm), 5 ” (125mm) and 6 ” (150mm)
功率 50 W 
電壓 220V/110 V 
外型尺寸 200mm x 200mm x 400mm 
重量 40 lbs. (18kg)

EXTEC LABCUT 150 Variable Speed, 3" - 6", includes: 10015 Screw Holder for irregular samples, set of 3 weights, tools and digital rpm indicator, 10153 splash guard and 12050 cutting fluid.

Precision Cutting Without Deformation.

The EXTEC ® Labcut 150 Variable Speed Precision Diamond Saw is an attractive, modern styled laboratory instrument designed for precision cutting of a wide variety of materials. Samples can be cut with minimal damage and deformation. The universal design and variable speed aid the precision cutting of fragile and soft materials. Variable wheel rotation speeds range from 0 to 1000 rpm. A variety of sample holders add to the 150’s versatility. This includes the Rapidcut Precision Attachment which reduces cutting time and results in a high quality surface finish.

The Labcut 150 is ruggedly constructed from a cast-aluminum frame with stainless steel components providing stability and corrosion resistance in a molded water resistant cabinet. The EZ-DRO™ Easy Keypad operates the powerful belt driven AC 1/4 HP motor with inverter. The sample arm is pivoted and can be counterbalanced to provide low loading conditions on the specimen. It features 25mm micrometer movement that allows positioning of the sample with respect to the wheel.

The Recirculating Coolant System consists of a coolant reservoir with an adjustable power supply, liquid recirculation pump, twin coolant tubes, stainless perforated tray, sample retrieval tweezers and sump drain tool. The system provides adequate coolant flow to the twin coolant tubes located on either side of the cutting wheel. The Recirculating Coolant System accepts EXTEC cutting fluids.

The Labcut 150 will accept 3 inch* (75mm), 4 inch (100mm), 5 inch (125mm) and 6 inch (150mm) diameter diamond wafering blades and abrasive cut-off wheels. A transparent polycarbonate splash/safety shield with an integrated safety switch is fitted to prevent operation when the shield is open. An endpoint microswitch indicator can be set to terminate the cutting process at a predetermined depth.

An optional sample rotation attachment (model 1000-100) is available featuring a modified sample arm with a motor drive and variable speed controller which help to eliminate blips and reduces cutting time.

*3 inch (75mm) requires set of optional flanges

  • Accepts 3 inch (75mm) , 4 inch (100mm), 5 inch (125mm) and 6 inch Wheels and Blades
  • Variable wheel rotation speeds range from 0 to 1000 rpm
  • EZ-DRO™ Easy Keypad
  • Powerful Belt Driven AC 1/4 HP Motor with Inverter
  • Designed for Stability and Corrosion Resistance
  • Pivoted Specimen Arm with 25mm Micrometer Movement
  • Transparent Polycarbonate Splash/Safety Shield
  • Recirculating Coolant System
    • Adjustable Power Supply
    • Liquid Recirculation Pump
    • Twin Coolant Tubes
    • Stainless Perforated Tray
  • Materials: Slicing samples of metals, alloys, composites.
  • Ceramics: Slicing samples of ceramics.
  • Semiconductor: Cutting semiconductor crystals and sectioning embedded devices.
  • Pathology: Cutting bone and teeth material and preparing thin sections. Cutting embedded tissue.
  • General Physics: Mounting and slicing single crystals along a particular axis.
  • Geology: Preparing mineralogical sections of rocks.
  • Paleontology: Preparing sections of fossils in rocks.
  • Spindle:
    • Stainless Steel ½ inch (12.7mm) diameter with standard flanges, belt driven.
  • Motor:
    • 1/4HP (0.18kW) 100-115 volt or 220-240 volt
  • Wheel Speed:
    • EZ-DRO™ Easy Keypad Range 0 to 1000 rpm
  • Wheel Size:
    • 3* inch (75mm), 4 inch (100mm), 5 inch (125mm), 6 inch (150mm)
    • *3 inch (75mm) requires set of optional flanges.
  • Speed Display:
    • Speed displayed digitally on front panel EZ-DRO keypad. Range 0-1000rpm
  • Sample Holder:
    • Counter balanced pivoting arm, variety of sample holders can be attached
  • End Point:
    • Microswitch for stopping the cutting process at a preset depth.
  • Micrometer:
    • 0-25 mm  (>1 inch)  0.01mm (< .0040 inch)
  • Recirculating Coolant System:
    • Stainless steel perforated tray, power supply, adjustable coolant pump, twin coolant tubes, sample retrieval tweezers, RCS drain tool
  • Safety Shield:
    • Polycarbonate Splash/Safety Shield with magnetic integrated safety switch
  • Dimensions:
    • Width: 12” (300mm)
    • Height: 8”* (200mm)
    • Depth: 16” (400mm)
    • Main Body Height: 8” (208mm)
  • Weight:
    • 40 lbs (18kg)

免責聲明:以上所展示的[Labcut 150 可變速切割機]信息由會員[上海益朗儀器有限公司]自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發(fā)布會員負責。


